what was meant to be another easy trek ,turned out to be 'difficult' by day-1 ,'very tough' by day-2 and "why in the world did i come here' by day-3 ,'impossible' by day-4 ,and 'absolute living on the edge' by day-5
if u read the trek itenary in the previous posting ,just ignore and forget that ..
the signs were there for us ,we just missed them somehow
we missed our connecting train from delhi to haridwar,ended up in a late night run to ISBT bus stand to catch the last bus to haridwar
then came the crazy 7 hr sumo ride through the ghat section ,from haridwar to uttarkashi,was probably the closest one could get to experiencing a WRC car rally ,hitting avg speed of 45kph ,while wicket after wicket were falling ( vomiting spree if you like)on one hand ,the bihari driver on the other extreme was genuinely concerned that we were not going at necessary speeds !!!
then there was the cold wave sweeping north India, the day we landed in the town of uttarakashi aka base camp
two porters we hired disappeared (didn't turn up for the trek), after the overnight heavy snowfall
ignoring all these signs (conveniently), the 9 nomads started off the trek as per plan ...
(to be contd...)
1 comment:
where has the trip report gone?
Spare som etime my dear.
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