Wednesday, April 27, 2005

the group

....546 messages on last count ,thats the number of messages on the yahoo group 'spjimr2007' ,the new yahoo group of our 2007 batch.

What are people talking on the group?
Well,they are talking anything and everything from laptops(most popular topic) to bowling meets.Then there were clashes of the cities ( must add, friendly ones ) ,bangalore vs mumbai for some time and then bangalore vs mumbai vs rest.Sensibly enough, very few people got into these discussions.Then there are fellas who are organizing meets after meets in their cities.'Banglaore gang' is planning it's second meet ( or third !) and so is mumbai.Rest of cities have their chotu meets as well.I met three fellow future students in the chennai meet (if that qualifies for a meet) and another two in hyderabad over the weekend.

One senior was invited to be part of the group and someone ,knowingly or unknowingly a fellow grp member suggested that the group should be limited to students of 2005-2007 alone.The nice senior,was obviously unhappy and left the group ,too bad ,he was really being helpful answering our queries,even the stupidest of the queries ,with loads of patience.

There are pictures and loads of pictures of induviduals , and groups of induviduals from the meets,constantly being updated. Then there are files and files, an excel comparing laptop features offered by the institute ,excel for loan emi calculation,etc etc.

And of course how can i forget the polls,poll to pick meeting dates to times,poll on laptops ,poll on 1yr vs 2 yr program,poll on loans offered.

I wonder, if you are living in the same city why don't you just pickup the blooooody phone and arrange for the meet. why complicate !

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