Friday, July 15, 2005

Assessment and Development of Managerial Aptitude and Potential (ADMAP !!!)

Over the years, people have come to realise that there is little correlation between academic performance during the MBA education and success in the corporate world as a ‘practicing’ manager - fewer MBAs reach the CEO level! There is a real concern about management education and the need to focus on the ‘practice’ of management and not just ‘business’.Most managers, spend a great deal of their time in dealing with people, getting things done, making intuitive decisions and working with heterogeneous teams…..tasks that have little to do with knowledge of management at an intellectual level !
Nobody trains you to be manager,to me it's like learning swimming,all the theory can prepare you to certain extent ,beyond that you have to take the plunge,make mistakes ,take your chances,calculated risks and eventually learn to swim.
"At SPJIMR, ADMAP or 'Assessment and Development of Managerial Aptitude and Potential ' is one fantastic non class room learning initiative created for the exact reason.ADMAP was conceived as one such initiative, 12 years ago.It is our Dean, Dr. Shrikant’s brain child, born out of a conviction that ‘practice’ of management must be the focus of management education and that it can be acquired in a non class room ‘laboratory’ setting by practice, coupled with reflection and integration, and then more practice by way of application. This is a radical departure from ‘teaching’ to self-managed ‘learning’: from teacher centric to participant centric approach; and from class room to ‘non class room learning’.
Some 17-ADMAP Committees comprising various functional units of the Institute wherein the participants perform tasks specific to that committee and learn administration and team skills. Each committee has a Faculty­ in‑charge who facilitates identification of the ‘vision’ and goals for the committee; and guides participants throughout the program. "

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