Meet Mr.Baru Rao, CEO Cap Gemini, India.
He was in campus yesterday evening and shared his views on "Software Maintenance" in a simple and unjargonish way as possible.He started off the session telling us that he was an engineer and not an MBA , and we were not to expect words like 'leveraging' or 'core competency' from his session. Considering that there were many engineers in the batch , he made an instant connection.
The session was interesting and insightful. Probably,the best so far ,this year at SP.
Nuggets from the wise man:
"Don't get 1 year experience 15 times , try to get 15 years of experience"
( software enginers should relate to this!)
"Outsourcing to India happens because we are cheap,cheap not as a derogatory term,but
as lowest cost suppliers"
"Companies come to India for cost and ,of course, quality"
"Managing indirect costs in software industry will be the greatest challenge for future managers"
"India's cost advantage could start eroding after 5 years if the manpowers costs continue to rise "
"IT pros like technologies,be it cobol or java,because of the opportunities that exist "
" A devt company in Hyderabad has a swimming pool in campus,some other company has basket ball court ,a meditation room ..., very soon software companies will be doing everything but software development."
"When employees ask for hike , you can't tell them to go to hell,because they will ..."
The Q&A that followed was even interesting ,here are some of them i remember
Student1: Is Cap Gemini into consulting , 'proper consulting' ,now that you bought off EY?
( obviously 'proper consulting' was a slip of tongue from the student )
Ans: Cap Gemini is definitely into consulting (16%of revenues) , i don't know if it is proper or improper.
Student2: Cap Gemini ,off late,is talking about RightShoring ,you have nearshore centres in Polan and offshore in India and China ,How do you plan to balance ?
Ans: We hope to balance it in favor of India.
(as you can guess , a thunderous applause followed ,btw, student2 was me)